Welcome to our news stand, where you’ll find a whole host of industry insights, expertise and opinion from across the spectrum. Our posts are a collection of pieces from the Latch team, guest writers and other friendly music / media heads. If you would like to submit an article for consideration, please use the contact form.

Meet The Team: Maisy Plater

“My first professional job, in PR, was at a huge company with SO many people. I soon learned that you’ve got to be confident and put yourself out there if you want to make a mark with the work that you do. Also, to get over my fear of phone calls because they really do make your life so much easier….”

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Meet The Team: Poppy Aphiaa Nicholas

“graduating from uni was probably the biggest wakeup call to the realities of life that I've ever experienced. I knew Journalism and PR weren't easy careers to get into but I REALLY underestimated how hard that was and I also underestimated the state of the job market when I was leaving school too.”

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Meet The Team: Hannah Thacker

“I did what every teenager was doing at the time, I made a Tumblr blog. My goal was to post a song review at least once per day, which I did for four months until I received two offers, to be a writer for global online music blog Unrecorded and to be an A&R Scout for Los Angeles label IAMSOUND Records…”

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Meet The Team: Ronnie Olubayo

“I think this applies to all industries, but I learned to not be afraid of running with any opportunities that are presented to me. I was quite anxious at the start and I generally like things to be straightforward. But it’s really important to be open to different opportunities…”

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Photo Diary: A journey through Lucia Garcia's lens

Meet Latch’s in-house photographer. Lucia Garcia creates powerful imagery for a wide range of well-established new brands and artists. Her work has been exhibited in national outlets including i-D Magazine and the Tate Modern, amongst others…

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Meet The Team: Roo Nair

“I have always loved music and am known in my friendship group for sharing new music but as I had originally pursued a career in fashion I thought I’d left it too late. It goes to show that with enough knowledge and experience, in time those skills become transferable.”

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