Meet The Team: Olivia Watson-Francis


Hey! Tell everyone something about yourself that they wouldn’t find out otherwise. 

I really loved The Junior Apprentice when it was on TV. I actually applied to go on it and got an interview but I chickened out haha

Did you always know you wanted to work in the music industry?

Always! When I was younger I wanted to be a singer but as I got older I realised that wasn’t the route for me. It wasn’t until I took a gap year I did some research and looked into do music marketing/PR!

What was your path into the industry?

I’ve always loved to sing and was in all the choirs and music clubs in secondary school. I was even in the school band and we toured around Italy and Spain! But as I said before I realised that performing wasn’t for me and I really liked the creativity in marketing and PR. When I left university I got a role in Lifestyle PR and loved it. However, I always wanted to do music and now I’m at Latch which is so exciting!


Was there a particular learning curve you remember encountering at the beginning of your career? 

My first PR role was with a small company which was nice because my manger had time to teach me everything I needed to know. 

I used to be so nervous to speak to press, journalists, influencers etc. at events but having attended so many I’m used to it now!

What is your current role?

Brand partnerships Assistant!

What does that entail? 

I work with Roo and reach out to brands that align with the artists we work with. I pitch ideas to brands to collaborate with our very talented artists. It's beneficial to both the artist and the brand as it increases exposure and helps break into new markets.

What is a common misconception about the job that you do?

People assume that it’s a laid back and chill because they only think of the events and talking to the artists. However, its 70% sending out emails, researching, planning and scheduling.

What was the last track that you listened to?

Karma – Lucky Daye. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to this haha

What is the most rewarding part of working on artist projects?

It’s seeing the plans you’ve made and the goals you’ve set for your clients come to life. It’s also what the client wants so everyone’s happy!

What are the changes you want to see in the music industry?

I would love to see bigger artists sharing smaller artists, this isn’t something new but I just don’t think it’s done enough. There are so many artists that are amazing (in my eyes anyway) but just need someone to shout them out.

Tell us about something you do outside of work.

I’ve recently started an Instagram page, it’s still early days however it’ something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. I’ve had eczema from a young age and not being able to eat certain foods or wear certain clothing items because of the materials is something I struggle with. So I made a page to give people ideas like others have for me! Plus it’s another creative outlet!

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