2020: A Look Back - Keely Bremner


This year has been nothing short of a challenge and our thoughts are with everyone who has experienced loss, anxiety, depression, and isolation.

However, despite the many issues we have faced and are still expected to overcome as an industry, the PR team at Latch is taking a moment to celebrate this year's personal bright spots.

(Images: Mikaela Jade)

Keely Bremner, Senior Music PR

I always find it rather difficult when asked to sum up my year, to reflect on all that has happened. How does one encapsulate the entirety of such a mammoth year that had me well and truly ‘in my feels’, in more ways than one? Well in the spirit of this year, I’ll give it a bloody good go. 

December marks for me the end of my first full year at Latch and my first year as a PR. There have been countless highlights despite it being a whirlwind of a welcome into the industry. However, I think overall, as well as being endlessly grateful to have been able to work throughout the pandemic. I just feel so very honoured to be part of such an amazing team of creative, exceedingly kind, fellow music lovers. I honestly feel really blessed to be working with people who are not only exceptionally good at what they do but are also incredibly inspiring and so very supportive. I think I must also say a special thank you to Alex, for seeing something in me those many moons ago and for his unwavering belief in us all.

The sheer resilience and utter adaptability we continue to demonstrate as human beings always astounds me. We utilised our creativity in every sense of the word this year, despite the difficulty we faced and I look to 2021 with the same hope, optimism and excitement I did in December 2019.

There is a certain magic that only a brand New Year can offer, the endless possibilities carefully enclosed in its chapters, so with eyes bright and a willing heart I welcome a New Year (after a long, well deserved break of course!) I encourage us all to switch off, slow down and come inwards. Look after each other, be gentle and spare a moment to reflect on your own journey this year. I mean, if we got through 2020 then 2021, doesn’t stand a chance ;)

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2020: A Look Back - Poppy Nicholas


2020: A Look Back - Hannah Thacker