Meet The Team: Maisy Plater


Hey! Tell everyone something about yourself that they wouldn’t find out otherwise. 

Ooh, I used to be able to play the entire High School Musical 2 soundtrack on the flute lol

Did you always know you wanted to work in the music industry?

Yes! I’ve always loved music. When I was younger I definitely imagined myself more on stage than behind the scenes, but as I got older and the more I studied, I discovered so many awesome roles that I pinned my sights on those over performing. Although, I’d love to get back up there one day.

What was your path into the industry?

I studied music in college and university. My course at uni was Professional Musicianship - Vocals so I mainly practiced performance and singing, but some of my favourite modules were the industry based ones. There were so many awesome Q&As and masterclasses with industry professionals too which really helped me open my eyes to so many different roles within the industry.

I left uni and fell into film PR which was a massive eye-opener, I loved it! My time there came to an end and I landed a role in music advertising, advertising tours for everyone you know and love. I was so happy cos I was finally in the industry that loved and I felt like I’d really taken a step forward. Then came along my role at Latch which is so exciting! I’m absolutely loving it.

Was there a particular learning curve you remember encountering at the beginning of your career?

My first professional job, in PR, was at a huge company with SO many people. I soon learned that you’ve got to be confident and put yourself out there if you want to make a mark with the work that you do. 

Also, to get over my fear of phone calls because they really do make your life so much easier. Gets the job done quicker sometimes! 

What is your current role?

Radio Promotions Assistant!

What does that entail?

I work alongside George, and help him out with all kinds of bits and bobs! Researching contacts, stations, producers, writing service emails, reaching out to stations myself and pitching tracks to get played on air to name a few. And my favourite, Artist Outreach - finding exciting new artists to work with!

What is a common misconception about the job that you do?

Whenever you say you work in the music industry, people always think you’re going to the wild parties, rubbing shoulders with the big names etc, when in reality I’m usually cooped up in the corner with my headphones on firing out emails!

What was the last track that you listened to?

The Devil’s in the Details - Mac Ayres. Incredible stuff!

What is the most rewarding part of working on artist projects?

Getting results and feeding that back to the client! Especially when the artist is just starting out. Getting that first radio play, or amazing feedback from a big show, I get so excited. It’s the knowing that I’m helping someone get their music out there and heard, it’s a special feeling.

What are the changes you want to see in the music industry?

More women! Whether that be behind the scenes or on the main stage, there are so many INCREDIBLE female artists out there and it hurts to know that they’re being overlooked. Especially when it comes to festival line-ups (not naming any names 👀).

Tell us about something you do outside of work.

This one’s hard because music is pretty much what I do outside of work. Whether that’s listening, writing, singing, bopping around the house to whatever I have playing. It’s always there! Although, over lockdown, I’ve mastered baking some mean old triple chocolate cookies.

What artists should people be keeping an eye on?

Omg, so many! Kllo, Olivia Dean, Charlotte Day Wilson, Mac Ayres, Emotional Oranges. 

Special shout out to my mate, Clara Hurtado - really excited about what she’s got coming up.

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