2020: A Look Back - Poppy Nicholas


This year has been nothing short of a challenge and our thoughts are with everyone who has experienced loss, anxiety, depression, and isolation.

However, despite the many issues we have faced and are still expected to overcome as an industry, the PR team at Latch is taking a moment to celebrate this year's personal bright spots.

Poppy Nicholas, Music PR Assistant

2020 has been an incredibly tough year for most but amongst all the chaos there were some really beautiful moments and the fact Iā€™m sitting here writing this is one of them. My highlight of the year is joining the Latch team and the fact I finally gained employment in my chosen field after two years of struggling with job hunting and facing hundreds of rejections and even more no-responses. 

I wrote about 83 different cover letters, followed over 60 companies online and called even more, but in the end, it was a 'quick apply' application on LinkedIn which didn't ask me for a cover letter that thought I was good enough. I (very nervously) interviewed with Hannah and Alex for the PR assistant role, it was my first interview in over a year, so saying I was rusty was an understatement. A week later, whilst out celebrating my one year anniversary with my boyfriend, I got an email offering me the job!

I was both thrilled and terrified; I had doubted my abilities and my worth after being rejected for roles over and over again. I never thought I'd ever land my career role, but now I'm here and I'm absolutely loving it and turns out I'm not too bad at it either. My confidence grows a little bit every day, positive feedback from managers and clients keeps me afloat, but the lack of replies to my emails keeps me humble - it's a good balance.

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