Unlocked: Universal Music removes entire catalog from Triller


Universal Music have removed all of their music from the social app Triller, after a dispute over payments and licensing. UMG suggests that Triller isn’t giving fair compensation to rights holders for the use of their songs across the platform. However, Triller maintains that they have a good working relationship with UMG despite the breakdown in communication.

It comes as TikTok continues to go from strength to strength, combining a growth in users with a focus on creator tools. TikTok also struck a set of longer term licensing agreements with the major labels earlier this year.


“We will not work with platforms that do not value artists,” UMG said in a statement Friday. “Triller has shamefully withheld payments owed to our artists and refuses to negotiate a license going forward.”

In response, the company said:

“Triller does not need a deal with UMG to continue operating as it has been since the relevant artists are already shareholders or partners on Triller, and thus can authorize their usage directly,”

CEO Mike Lu noted:

“This has to be a bad Punk’d episode. I’m waiting for Ashton to jump out of my closet. Our relationship with UMG is solid. Its biggest artists are investors and partners in Triller and Universal owns parts of Triller.”

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